Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Announcing the Columbus Ohio Psychic Experiences Group

We are forming a central Ohio group dedicated to the discussion of psi and consciousness through the sharing of personal experiences.  The Columbus Ohio Psychic Experiences Group (or CO-PEG for short) is based on a model developed at the Rhine Research Center, with other similar groups meeting monthly in North Carolina and New York.

Monthly meetings follow a simple policy of honesty, privacy, and sharing without judgment. Shared experiences may touch on topics such as telepathy, healing, precognition, extended senses, psychokinesis, remote viewing, dreams, haunting, reincarnation, near death experiences, out-of-body experiences, and other exceptional experiences. 

As personal stories flow, ideas and inspiration begin to flow for developing our extended senses, and for finding creative ways to be of greater service in the larger community.  

4th Mondays, 7-9pm
Upstairs Arts Space
4601 N. High St. Suite 200 (Beechwold Building)