Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Coly Award Recipient Announced

The Parapsychology Foundation has announced the 2006 winner of the annual Robert R. Coly essay competition. This year's recipient is Hanna Jenkins, a PhD student at the University of Tansmania and president of the Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research. Her essay, titled The Challenge of Parapsychology: One Down, But More to Go, discusses how the field of philosophy can pave the way for a dialogue between mainstream science and parapsychology.

The Robert R. Coly essay competition, which carries a prize of $1000, was created to encourage college and university students who have sufficient interest in the field of parapsychology to understand its complexities and help conceptualize its future, even if they are not in a parapsychology degree program or are not taking parapsychology courses at the moment. The annual deadline for the competition is November 15th.

Congratulations to Ms. Jenkins!

Read the prize-winning essay here.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good essay and I've read Dean Radin's books. But I've also corresponded by George P. Hansen and read his

    My own masters thesis is based on paranormal research, music theory and philosophy of science -- linked at

    It seems to me that the ecological crisis is structurally part of the "paranormal" crisis. The anthropological perspective that George P. Hansen takes confirms this approach. Paranormal abilities are based on gender relations as any study of non-Western training will demonstrate.

    Science is based on resonance and math comes from music ratios. In fact the paradox of randomness in probability and the "missing mass" from logarithmic-based density is really a problem of how math is structured. The whole concepts of "frequency" and "amplitude", etc., are based on equal-tempered ratios which violate the inherent asymmetric complimentary opposites of music ratios. 2:3=3:4 in Pythagorean analysis and this is the same as Yang=Yin in Taoism. The full-lotus yoga position is a Tetrahedron made up of 4 equilateral triangles, each made up of two 2:3:4 triangles resonating as Yin and Yang.

    You can't fake the full-lotus. But a means to enter into it is the "small universe" or "microcosmic orbit" practice that is based on the 12 notes of the music scale as energy nodes along the outside of the body. This is also called "circulating the light" in Taoist yoga and Mircea Eliade documents its use in India as well. for further details.
