Sunday, January 14, 2007

2007 PA Convention

The Parapsychological Association has tentative details for this year's convention available at their website. The convention will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia on August 2-5, 2007. The exact venue is still being negotiated, so specific details are not available yet.


  1. Just want to say that I just discovered your blog, but I love what I've seen so far. I'll certainly be back frequently.

    And it's great to hear that the PA convention is in Halifax. With it being in Canada, and me being in Canada, I don't really have an excuse not to go.

    P.S. Do you know what happened to the "Science is a Method, Not a Position" blog? It seems to have disappeared.

  2. Hi Phronk, thanks for stopping by.

    Halifax is quite a haul for me, but I'll probably be there.

    A couple of months ago, Matthew (of "A Method, Not a Position") posted a message saying that he was giving up blogging so that he would have time for other things. And then poof! It was gone. Too bad. I really liked that blog.
