Sunday, January 28, 2007

Rhine Research Center Seeks Volunteers

Do you live near Durham, North Carolina?

To help with the increased activity that is occurring around the Rhine Research Center these days, more local volunteers are needed! Advantages include the opportunity to learn more about a fascinating area of nonlocal consciousness from up-close contact with speakers, researchers and others with similar interests, attendance at Rhine Center programs and social events, and the satisfaction of being part of one of the oldest and most respected centers of its kind in the world.

Some of the areas where volunteers are needed include:

1. Telephone coverage for 4-hour blocks of time on a weekly basis.
2. Registration & book sales at evening talks and workshops
3. Greeting and record keeping for daytime meetings, conducting tours as needed.
4. All aspects of publicity from distributing flyers, sending notices to media, to writing articles and notices.
5. Library assistance such as helping implement library management system, preparing for book sales.
6. Backup clerical/mailing duties under direction of Office Administrator.
7. Technical backup or assistance to Audiovisual team as needed.
8. Assisting in various aspects of research, as needed.
9. A Volunteer Coordinator Position is particularly needed to coordinate and expand the Volunteer program. There are opportunities for creative programming, such as initiating a Speakers Bureau, a Docent Program, Book Group.

Volunteers would receive Orientation training, and be asked to attend some weekend meetings if possible. If interested and available, please contact Sally Feather at

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad there is increased activity going on at the Rhine. I do hope that people see this and's certainly a worthy cause, and the people there kick butt.
