Friday, May 11, 2007

New Electronic Journal: AntiMatters

There's a new journal developing in the hallowed halls of cyberspace called AntiMatters, and looking at its editorial team, I think it is going to be a promising venture. The focus of AntiMatters is to address issues in science and the humanities from non-materialistic perspectives. The journal is now inviting submissions, and hopes to have its first issue out by August 2007. True to the spirit of the world wide web, the journal "provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge."


  1. Wow. You are right, that is quite a team that Mohrhoff has on board. . .

  2. Interesting, but from the description, I don't think this will be taken very seriously. "Non-materialistic" seems, to me, like a term that has lost all meaning. In my opinion, parapsychology is no more "non-materialistic" than quantum physics or psychology. It fits in with the rest of science just fine, whether we label science as materialistic or not. Maybe the actual articles will be rigourous enough to be useful, but I'm skeptical of the muddy terms being used here.
