Monday, August 06, 2007

(almost but not quite) Back from Halifax

The 50th annual conference of the Parapsychological Association ended Sunday afternoon. I had a wonderful time, got caught up with some old friends, and met some new ones. Both of my presentations went over very well and I'm hoping that we might find some guest bloggers/reviewers here at Public Parapsychology as a result of my workshop on public scholarship Saturday night. The conference made the local news, and the article (which I thought was very well-written) attracted a small number of locals. Between that, and my first experience with, I also got to know some of the fine people of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Unfortunately, my car broke down outside of Syracuse, New York today. The compressor died on my air conditioner, which wasn't a big deal...until it caused my serpentine belt to break several hours later. That's a mean surprise to get while you're barreling down the highway at 75 mph. Fortunately though, this happened just as I was about to pass an emergency parking area. Two people stopped to offer their help. My tow truck driver went out of his way to find a garage that was still open after 6pm. The garage was closing, but volunteered to stay open long enough for my arrival. However, they found that they wouldn't be able to complete the work until tomorrow morning after all, so I'm stranded in Syracuse for the night. The garage happened to be next door to a motel and a diner, so I'm comfortably stranded at least. So many people have shown me kindness in the last couple of hours. My finances might be dwindling, but my faith in humanity is restored.

I took lots of pictures at the conference, and there were a lot of great presentations to review here at Public Parapsychology. Once I make it back to Columbus, Ohio, I'm going to try to enjoy a few days off...maybe go to the state fair, and dangle a string in front of my cats. But additional posts about the conference are forthcoming. Stay tuned.

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