Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Conference: Things That Go Bump in the Brain

Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Paranormal And Anomalous Experiences

Muncaster Castle in the English Lake district is an atmospheric and historic site where much research has been done into reports of hauntings. On the weekend of Spetember 18th- 20th 2009 this stunning location will host a unique conference - "Things that Go Bump in the Brain: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Paranormal and Anomalous Experiences". A line-up of excellent speakers will present talks on a wide range of topics, from some of the latest developments in parapsychology, to skepticism and the cutting edge neuroscience of anomalous experiences.

The aim of the conference is to take a balanced view of anomalous experiences and so there will be talks from both proponents and skeptics in the hope of increasing understanding of the issues and generating a healthy debate. The Conference organisers are Dr Jason Braithwaite (Birmingham University Neuroscientist), Dr Wendy E. Cousins (Parapsychology Association International Liaison for Ireland) and John Jackson (Director of Uk-Skeptics). Speakers and topics include:

·Prof Chris French: The Psychology of Anomalous Experiences
·Dr Jason Braithwaite: The Haunted Brain: Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Anomalous Cognition
·Dr Christine Mohr: A Neuroscientist looks at the paranormal
·Dr Chris Roe: Psi as Unconscious: A review of some recent research developments in parapsychology
·Nick Pope: The Ministry of Defence X-files
·Dr Karen Douglas: The Social Psychology of Conspiracy beliefs
·David Wilde: Interpreting the anomalous: finding meaning in out-of-body and near-death experiences
·Emma Louise Rhodes: A Matter of Life and Death: A Sceptical Look at Spiritualism
·Dr John Walliss: Between the Worlds: Mediumship in the 21st Century
·Xavier Mendik: The Lure of the Dark side: Sex, death and the paranormal in cult movies.

The delegate rate for both days of the conference will be only £65 at the Early-Bird booking discount (£75 if booked after July 1st). This price includes access to both days of the conference (10 talks, 5 per-day); an invitation to the Friday night welcoming wine reception to be held in the castle; tea, coffee and biscuits each morning and afternoon session; a two course hot fork buffet style lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and full access to the castle and grounds for the duration of the conference. An optional conference Banquet for speakers and delegates in the castle on Saturday evening is priced separately at £45. For further updates on the conference, more information on the castle, its surroundings, accommodation details, and how to order your booking pack please see the conference website:



  1. More details about the Muncaster Castle Conference speakers (and some glamorous photos!) are available at the following website:



  2. this is a great idea!
    Thanks so much for all the giveaways!
